Thursday, June 12, 2014

Busch Signature Copper Lager : "A pretty good beer... I believe I have found my new go to beer."

"Today I’m beer slumming. I was caught unprepared and far from a decent beer emporium. So I stopped by a neighborhood corner store and perused the single bottle selection. I didn’t want to go with a Bud Light, or Miller Lite as I’ve had those many times before. There were ample options of malt liquors including 40oz bottles, which I hadn’t seen since my college days. After 5 minutes of searching, which in that store full of regulars made me stick out like even more of a sore thumb, I decided I would have to settle for a Bud Light after all. Then I saw it, a Busch Signature Copper Lager. It’s a beer I have never tried before, it has a higher alcohol content than the other beers and most importantly for today was 20 cents cheaper. I grabbed it, paid with the $2 cash I had on hand which is quite rare and even got some change back. I now had a 25oz can of beer like substance to enjoy while sitting outside and reading a book, or as it turned out writing up this review." 

This is how Beer Blogger Brandon Fischer begins his blog post experience with the beer that I picked up this afternoon on the way home from the grocery store on a hot, dog day in Texas.

I had stopped at my local 7-11 to fill the gas tank, and decided to go inside because I was wanting to get a single can of Blue Moon Belgian White. I first tired this beer after the Obama Beer Summit at the White House: I liked it. In New Jersey last year I had it again in a chilled glass schooner with an Orange Slice, which actually improved the favor of the beer. And recently at one of the local Texas Democratic Fund raisers, I pulled a random can of beer out of a iced tub of mixed beers and rediscovered the pleasure of Blue Moon Belgian White beer on a hot Texas evening. But I was not having any luck finding anything but $10 six packs in bottles in stores. What I found in the beer cooler of my local 7-11 was a new cheap beer favorite.

Busch is what I associate with a very  bitter brew that my father favored in the Summers of my childhood, not something that I wanted to drink again. The Busch Signature Copper Lager  in a 24 oz. tall boy stuck out a like a gold tooth among all the blue and silver cans of Busch and Budweiser singles. Its orange/yellow  color reminded me of how Blue Moon looks in the glass, so I picked it up and a quart of whole milk that I forgot at the store earlier. I was bit surprised that it only cost $1.99 when it rang up.

At this point my  shared shopping experience for  Busch Signature Copper Lager diverges from that of Mr. Fischer. So, let me find a different blog reference. At the top of any Google search on beers is

BeerAdvocate (BA) "a global, grassroots network, powered by an independent community of beer enthusiasts and industry professionals who are dedicated to supporting and promoting beer. Based in Boston, BA was founded in 1996 by the Alström Brothers, Jason & Todd, who provide the site as a free resource to ...

Wake the masses to better beer options.
Give beer consumers a voice.
Empower them to learn, share, and advocate.
Rally to support the beer industry.
Put the Respect back into Beer.

"Respect Beer." is their motto.
Here is the collective wisdom of their contributor evaluations of Busch Signature Copper Lager

 Let me quote a fellow Texan off the list: wejohnsn Texas
3.55/5   rDev +12.3%
           Look: 4 | Smell: 3 | Taste: 3.5 | Feel: 3.75 | Overall: 4

Big surprise here. I had been looking for something between a mild IPA and a cheap lager. This is it. darker in color than expected and the taste was light enough to refresh but strong enough to wake up my taste buds. Poured into a 16 oz mixing glass from a can. $4.99 for a six pack and more alcohol than most cheap American lagers. tastes better than Budweiser, Miller and the value menu brews. looks like a beer instead of light straw stained water.

Good job with this one: at room temp tastes bland but cold it's really good!


  1. Found this by accident, they were out of the Dominican Presidente, so I grabbed 4 16 ounce of these, on sale. I was shocked when I took the first couple of sips. This stuff is very nice, for what it costs. Plus, a 5.7 % ABV, it will fuck you up too! Hats off to Inbev for making a fine product people can afford like this,

  2. Found this by accident, they were out of the Dominican Presidente, so I grabbed 4 16 ounce of these, on sale. I was shocked when I took the first couple of sips. This stuff is very nice, for what it costs. Plus, a 5.7 % ABV, it will fuck you up too! Hats off to Inbev for making a fine product people can afford like this,
